Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:00:00]:
Today we're diving into something that doesn't get nearly enough attention in the menopause conversation, and that's your brain. See things like hot flashes and weight gain, we hear about those all the time. Right, but what about the mental fog? Forgetfulness or just feeling like your brain is moving slower, as if it's running on old school Internet dial up. Well, I hear you and I promise that you're not losing your mind. But menopause does change how your brain functions and today I'm breaking it all down for you. Now before we get into it though, be sure to subscribe like and share this with someone who needs to see it. Help me reach my goal to educate 1 million women about menopause and healthy aging in the next year. Alright, so let's get into the menopausal brain and what every woman needs to know.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:00:55]:
I'm Tafika Kir, Mr. Menopause here, your guide and ally through menopause and beyond. And welcome to another episode of the Mr. Menopause Show. All right, let's talk about the real MVP of your body, your brain. Now, hormones don't just regulate your cycle, they, they play a major role in brain function. So when estrogen and progesterone start fluctuating or take a deep dive, the brain feels it in a big way. Here are some of the different ways that this happens.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:01:37]:
Have you ever walked into a room and immediately forgotten why you're even there? Or spent five minutes searching all over for your phone and you're literally holding it in your hand? Well, yeah, that's menopause brain fog. And it's frustrating, it's real. And it's thanks to the fact that estrogen plays a huge role in memory and cognitive function. Now the good news though, is that it's temporary. Your brain is recalibrating. You just need to give it the added support that it needs. Now, I know this one can feel scary, and I can't tell you how many times I've heard women ask, is this early dementia or why can't I remember the simplest things? Well, here's what you need to know. Memory lapses during menopause are common, just most women aren't aware of them.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:02:33]:
And this is directly tied to hormone fluctuations, specifically a dip in estrogen affecting your hippocampus, which is basically the brain's memory center. And the fix? Well, it's coming up soon, so stick with me. One day you're fine, and the next you're irritated, anxious, or even crying over a paper towel. Commercial what gives, right? Estrogen and progesterone also regulate serotonin and dopamine. Those are the feel good hormones and chemicals in your brain. When those hormones drop, mood stability can take a hit. But don't worry again because I've got some simple ways to help even things out. Coming up soon.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:03:20]:
Soon. So stay here. Now let's talk about something that makes everything worse and that is lack of sleep. Menopause related insomnia, night sweats and stress can turn your nights into an Olympic level tossing and turning event. Also, when the brain doesn't get proper rest, memory, mood and focus all go out the window. But don't worry, here are some of my Mr. Menopause approved solutions. Alright, so we've talked about the struggles, now let's talk about solutions.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:04:03]:
Because you don't have to just accept brain fog, forgetfulness or mood swings as your new normal. Here are some proven evidence based ways to give your brain the love and the boost that it deserves. Now you know I love good food and what you eat plays a major role in how your brain functions. So try adding omega 3s from fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseeds to support cognitive function. Get antioxidants from berries, leafy greens and dark chocolate to fight brain stress and consume lean protein and healthy dietary fat to keep blood sugar stable and to prevent energy crashes. Exercise isn't just for keeping your body strong either, it's for your brain health as well. Movement helps to boost blood flow to the brain, enhances memory and helps with mood balance. So whether it's a walk, a dance class or strength training, just move.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:05:06]:
Sleep is when your brain resets and recharges. And here's how to get better rest. Now. Most importantly, stick to a consistent bedtime routine. And this is much more beneficial in helping to improve sleep quality than most people realize. Next, keep your room cool and dark to reduce night sweats and finally, limit screen time before bed because blue light messes with melatonin which will inhibit good sleep. Now, mindfulness isn't just a trendy term, it's real science and it's shown to help reduce stress and improve improve brain function. Now mindfulness gets a bad rap and I believe that it's due to not being shared in the best way.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:05:51]:
See, mindfulness practices come in various forms and degrees. So when someone says to just practice mindfulness, it's vague and unhelpful. It's actually most important to not only show them, but tell them about examples to try and follow and why. So to help you to better understand menopause and its benefits during menopause and beyond, I have a free resource that provides all that fat and more. Head over to my website mrmenopause.com and click on the freebies page along with other Mr. Menopause approved resources that I share for free. You'll also find the Mindful Menopause Guide and Workbook. Now in this workbook you're going to learn exactly what mindfulness is and what it is not, along with some fun and unique exercises to create more mindful moments in your life life.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:06:45]:
Scan the QR code on the screen or click the link in the description for this video to get your copy today. And finally, there's hrt, phytoestrogens, adaptogens and other helpful forms of supplementation. Now not everyone needs them, but they can help. Talk to a trusted provider to see what may be best for you. The takeaway that I hope to inspire with this episode is that if you've been feeling forgetful, foggy or just off, you're not alone. And most importantly, you're not losing your mind. Your brain is adjusting to a new phase and with the right tools, you can effectively and confidently support it through this transition. Now, the first step though, is knowledge, and I've got you covered there as well.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:07:39]:
If you're ready to understand where you stand in your menopause journey, I invite you to take my free Mr. Menopause awareness assessment. Not only will you assess your level of menopause awareness, you're going to identify key symptoms and discover the best next steps for you. Also, the assessment provides an exclusive opportunity to qualify for a free ticket to my Mental Mastery Live Masterclass. You can scan the QR code on the screen or find it on the homepage of my website, mistermenopause.com I'm Mr. Menopause, your guide and ally, here to take this journey with you every step of the way. Please be sure to like, share and subscribe if you have not done so already. Until next time, stay safe and be well.
Sarah [00:08:33]:
Are you entering menopause or currently experiencing it? If the answer is yes, don't let menopause hold you back another moment. Take the first step in controlling your long term health and vitality with Mr. Menopause's complementary menopause awareness Assessment. If you feel confused, anxious or overwhelmed by menopause, Mr. Menopause is a champion for women's health and provides unwavering support. He knows that our level of menopause awareness will determine whether we thrive through menopause or barely survive it, Scan the QR code on the screen or go to mrmenopause.com that's mrmenopause.com and simply answer 20 quick questions to receive personalized insights about your level of menopause awareness that can help empower you to confidently take control of your menopause journey and improve your overall quality of life. Take the assessment to find out your level of menopause awareness today.