Mr. Menopause [00:00:00]:
Okay, fellas, listen up. Now, if the woman in your life has suddenly started sweating out of nowhere, if she's snapping at you over the smallest things or saying that she doesn't feel like herself, well, this episode is definitely for you because today I'm diving into the truth about menopause that most men don't know, but absolutely should know. So stay with me because by the end of this episode, I'm gonna give you two powerful things that you can start doing right now. To be the partner, friend or co worker that she needs during this time in her life. And trust me, this isn't just about her. It's about both of you. And when you understand what's happening, then you'll know exactly how to help. So if you want to be the guy who gets it instead of the guy who's just left confused and frustrated, well, hit the like, subscribe or follow button because this is is the conversation that every man needs to hear.
Mr. Menopause [00:01:01]:
Alright, so let's get into what every man needs to know about menopause. I'm Tawika Kir, Mr. Menopause here, your guide and ally through the world of menopause. And welcome to another episode of the Mr. Menopause Show. Alright, here's the thing. Menopause isn't just a woman's issue. It's a relationship issue.
Mr. Menopause [00:01:31]:
It's a workplace issue. It's a life issue. And if there's a woman in your life, whether she's your partner, your friend, your family member or even a co worker, you will encounter menopause at some point. The problem though is that most men have no idea what's happening when she starts experiencing menopause symptoms. And that can lead to frustration, tension and even unnecessary conflicts. But guess what? It doesn't have to be that way. When you understand what menopause is and how it affects her, you'll be able to respond with empathy instead of confusion, support instead of frustration, and patience instead of panic. And that's exactly what I'm going to help you do today.
Mr. Menopause [00:02:18]:
So let's start out with the basics. Alright, let's break it down. Now, you've probably heard the word menopause before, but do you actually know what it means? See, menopause happens when a woman stop having her periods because her body is making less of certain hormones, but primarily estrogen. Now this usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, give or take five years. But perimenopause is the stage leading up to it that can start as early as 35 and last, anywhere from three to 15 years. And it even starts earlier for women of color. Now here's where you come in. Because her hormones are shifting, she might feel tired, stressed, moody, anxious, or just not like herself.
Mr. Menopause [00:03:05]:
And let me tell you, she's probably getting little to no real support from her doctor because most healthcare providers are not adequately trained in menopause. So if you want to be the guy who actually helps instead of the guy who sticks, stands on the side being clueless, well, keep watching. Because understanding these changes will make both of your lives a whole lot better. Now let's talk symptoms. Because what's happening to her isn't just a mood swing or a bad day. These changes are real and they can affect your relationship, your home life, and even your workplace. And here are some of the most common symptoms that she may experience. It could be hot flashes and night sweats.
Mr. Menopause [00:03:53]:
Just imagine your body suddenly overheating like a furnace. No warning, no reason. Well, that's what she's dealing with. And it can happen at any time and anywhere. I even had a client that was getting hot flashes every 30 minutes, day and night. Next is mood swings. Her emotions might be all over the place and she may not even understand why. And that's because hormones control brain chemistry and when they drop, it can feel like an emot roller coaster for her.
Mr. Menopause [00:04:24]:
Then there's brain fog. You ever see her walk into a room and then totally forget why she's there? Well, that's menopause brain fog. And it's frustrating for her and for you. But trust me, it's not something that she's doing on purpose. Then think of fatigue and low libido. She might feel exhausted all the time and have zero interest in intimacy. And if sex is painful for her due to hormone related dryness, well yeah, that's a conversation that you need to have, but you need to do it without making her feel bad about it. Then there's the physical changes, like weight gain, stiff joints, hair thinning.
Mr. Menopause [00:05:03]:
It's all part of menopause. But it can be really hard on her self esteem. So the last thing that she needs is anyone making her feel worse about it. Even if you're doing it in jest. Bottom line here is that this isn't about you. It does affect you though. So knowing what's happening makes you a better partner, friend, friend, boss and coworker. Alright guys, this is the part where I tell you exactly what you can start doing to make her life and yours a little easier.
Mr. Menopause [00:05:38]:
First and foremost, learn about Menopause, do your homework, ask her about what she's going through and actually listen. The more you understand, the more supportive you can be. Next, talk to her, but also listen. Check in with her, ask how she's feeling and talk to her without trying to fix things. Just being there makes a whole lot of difference. Next, be flexible and understanding. If she needs to cancel plans last minutes because she's exhausted, well, don't get annoyed by that. Menopause truly does zap energy.
Mr. Menopause [00:06:16]:
It's not her being flaky, she's truly exhausted. Next, encourage healthy habits together. Take walks with her, try yoga or cook healthy meals as a couple. Exercise and good nutrition can ease symptoms big time. And finally, be patient about intimacy. If sex is uncomfortable for her, talk about it. Solutions like lubricants or a menopause specialist can help, but making her feel bad about it definitely will not. Now let's get into two specific things that you can start doing today that will instantly make you more supportive.
Mr. Menopause [00:07:00]:
First, acknowledge the emotional strain. Menopause isn't just physical, it is deeply emotional. She might feel anxious, overwhelmed, or even like she's losing control of her body. The best thing you can do? Validate her experience. Tell her that you see what she's going through and that you are there for her. And number two is to encourage professional help if needed. A lot of women struggle alone because they don't know where to turn. Encourage her to see a certified menopause specialist and better yet, offer to go with her.
Mr. Menopause [00:07:37]:
It shows her that you are really invested in her well being. The takeaway I hope to inspire with this episode is that every man has the power to make menopause easier for the women in their lives. By learning, listening and showing empathy, you prove that you care. And not just for her body, but about her overall well being. See, menopause is a natural part of her life and your support can turn this time into a time of strength and connection instead of frustration and confusion fusion. And you know, if you want to take this knowledge to the next level, I'm inviting you to join my wait list for an upcoming workshop that I'm doing called Men and Menopause. Everything you need to know and the link is in the show notes and you won't want to miss it. Alright guys, I'm Tawfika Kir, aka Mr.
Mr. Menopause [00:08:33]:
Menopause, your guide and ally on this journey through menopause. And until next time, stay safe, be well and be the ally that she deserves.