Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:00:00]:
Have you ever wondered why menopause is so often overlooked or dismissed? Well, for two decades as a menopause educator and advocate, I've been working hard to change that. And today I'm going to be sharing my journey to becoming a menopause educator and why I'm so passionate about ensuring that women get the respect and the resources that you deserve during this stage of life. I'm Tafika Kier, Mr. Menopause here, and welcome to the Mr. Menopause Show. When I first started working in menopause nearly two decades ago, it was just me and my private clients. Most I got from referrals from other happy clients who trusted me to guide them through their midlife transition. Back then, I didn't even think twice about being a man in the menopause space.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:00:55]:
And honestly, no one else seemed to either. It was an incredibly personal and rewarding experience, helping women navigate challenges and to reclaim their health and their confidence. But then, in 2020, like many of us, I pivoted my business online. I started posting publicly about menopause. And then that's when things changed. For the first time, I encountered negativity. Some women questioned whether I even had a place in menopause as a man. And I'll be honest, it was a little shocking at first.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:01:28]:
But let me tell you this, though. Instead of discouraging me, it just fueled my passion even more. You see, my mission has always been clear. To provide understanding, education, and support that way too many women don't receive. Those comments didn't push me away. They pushed me forward. I leaned more into menopause and healthy aging, earning continued education credits, getting internationally accredited, getting licensed, creating amazing partnerships. And I dove headfirst into the latest research on menopause and healthy aging to further enhance my knowledge base and to ensure I had the expertise to make a meaningful impact with research, evidence based strategies, and education.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:02:14]:
And over the years, I've had the privilege of helping countless women navigate this transformative phase of their lives. Each conversation, each breakthrough moment, and each success story has just reinforced what I know to be true. Menopause is not just a phase for women to endure or suffer through. It's a journey that deserves attention, respect, and resources so that every woman can thrive through menopause, not just survive it. And one of the greatest lessons that I've learned as a menopause educator is the power of listening. Too often, women's experiences are dismissed or minimized, even by the people they should be able to turn to for help. By creating space for open, honest conversations. I've been able to provide guidance and foster a sense of validation and empowerment.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:03:07]:
And let me tell you, the resilience and and the strength I've witnessed from the women that I've worked with is beyond inspiring their ability to adapt, learn and advocate for themselves. It just motivates me more to continue growing. And not just as an educator either, but as an advocate for change. See, menopause awareness and education should not be a luxury. It should be a standard, whether we're talking about health care in the workplace or even at home. And this isn't just about alleviating symptoms either. It's about acknowledging menopause as a pivotal life stage that deserves as much attention and care as any other. You know, I'm proud of how far I've come, but I'm also even more excited about where we're going from workplace training to empowering women with evidence based tools and strategies.
Tafiq Akhir aka Mr. Menopause [00:04:01]:
My goal is to ensure that every woman has the resources that you need to make confident and evidence based choices for your own menopause journey. So let's keep the conversation going. If you or someone you know needs support navigating menopause, head over to my website mrmenopause.com and take the Menopause Awareness Assessment. It's free and you'll be able to explore resources that are available to you. I'm Mr. Menopause, your guide and ally, here to take this journey with you every step of the way. Please like, share and comment on this episode and be sure to subscribe until next time. Stay safe and be well.
Speaker B [00:04:46]:
Are you entering menopause or currently experiencing it? If the answer is yes, don't let menopause hold you back another moment. Take the first step in controlling your long term health and vitality with Mr. Menopause's complementary menopause awareness Assessment. If you feel confused, anxious or overwhelmed by menopause, Mr. Menopause is a champion for women's health and provides unwavering support. He knows that our level of menopause awareness will determine whether we thrive through menopause or barely survive it. Scan the QR code on the screen or go to mrmenopause.com that's Mr. Menopause.com and simply answer 20 quick questions to receive personalized insights about your level of menopause awareness that can help empower you to confidently take control of your menopause journey and improve your overall quality of life.
Speaker B [00:05:33]:
Take the assessment to find out your level of menopause awareness today.