Ep4: Why Is Perimenopause Such an Overlooked Stage of Menopause?

In this episode of "Mr. Menopause on the Radio," Tafiq Akhir, also known as Mr. Menopause, delves into the often overlooked but crucial stage of perimenopause. While menopause is widely recognized, perimenopause remains shrouded in misunderstanding and silence. Tafiq explains that perimenopause, meaning "around menopause," can start as early as the mid-30s and last up to 15 years, presenting a variety of symptoms that significantly impact women's lives.

Be sure to listen to the full episode today.


Feeling confused or unsure about menopause, symptom management, health improvement, and available support? Take my Menopause Awareness Assessment!

This comprehensive assessment can help clarify your menopause experience, identify key symptoms, and guide you to effective management and support strategies. This assessment will help you better understand your menopause journey and find the support you need to manage this transition effectively. Click the link in the bio section of the Mr. Menopause on the Radio podcast to take the assessment HERE <<<

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