Continuing the Menopause Conversation menopause awareness menopause bill menopause support mr menopause

📅 Hello, everyone! It's been two days since World Menopause Month officially came to a close, but our commitment to raising awareness and support for menopausal women doesn't end with the calendar. 🌟

Menopause is a significant life transition, bringing its own unique set of challenges. From hot fla...

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Advocating for Year-Round Menopause Awareness gender equality menopause awareness menopause bill menopause support mr. menopause

🎃🌟 Happy Halloween, everyone! Mr. Menopause here, and I'm popping in today also to share that today marks the last day of World Menopause Month. 🍂

Menopause is a significant life transition for women, accompanied by its unique set of challenges, from hot flashes to mood swings, and long-term health i...

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